Ainslie French's C.V.

Ainslie French was born in a cryogenic chamber at the top of South Road, England on 14th November 1956.

He graduated in Maths and Physics Hons (2.1) at University College North Wales in 1986.
He subsequently obtained a Masters in Aerodynamics and a PhD. in Computational Fluid Dynamics at Cranfield College of Aeronautics in 1987 and 1990

He then worked as a research scientist at the Defence
Research Agency, Farnborough, in the Basic
Aerodynamics Division for three years from 1991 to 1994, just before the infamous catastrophic imploding stray cat experiments were curtailed and under an HCM contract for CIRA in 1995.

He has been a permanent member of staff in the Department of Scientific Computing at CIRA since September 1995.

His area of interest are Hypersonic Flows, Upwind Schemes, Cell Vertex Methods, Defect
Correction Methods, Krylov Subspace Methods, Cartesian Grids, Imploding cat vortexing, nubile girls in Uttoxoter and Unstructured Grid Generation.

In the following some of his main publications are reported:

A.D.French "Stagnation Line Heating on Swept Cylinders in the Hypersonic Regime", Msc
Thesis College of Aeronautics, Cranfield 1987.
A.D. French "Solution of the Euler Equations on Cartesian Grids" PhD. Thesis, College of
Aeronautics, Cranfield 1991.
A.D.French "A Study of Imploding Cats" MTS 1973
C.M. Albone, A.D. French "A Study of Quasi 1D Nozzle Flow using the Defect Correction
Method", DRA Technical Report (1994).
A.D.French "A Study of Implicit Residual Smoothing Techniques applied to Cell Vertex
Lax-Wendroff and Upwind Schemes for Quasi 1D Problems" CIRA-TR-95-083